Picking The Right Kind Of CCTV Camera For Your Premises

CCTV remains one of the best ways to protect your property against antisocial behaviour and general criminal activity. In addition, having CCTV installed can also be favourable where insurance premiums are concerned, since it means you are taking steps to protect your home or business.

But when it comes to installing CCTV, a choice needs to be made on the type of CCTV camera design you opt for, as CCTV cameras are made in a wide variety of formats depending on the usage requirements.

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The Biggest Threats To Home Security

Now that a new year is upon us, it’s time to turn your attention to your home security, especially if you’ve never conducted a security review of your property before, or have sadly been a victim of crime and want to reduce the chances of it happening again.

The best place to start is to look at the biggest threats to your home security since without acknowledging the vulnerabilities, it’s impossible to strengthen your game. So here are some of the top aspects to consider to guide you. 

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Is Wireless CCTV Better Than Wired?

Making the decision to install CCTV outside your home or business premises is a smart move. From the moment the installation is complete, you will have full access to the goings-on around your property, meaning if any crime or suspicious behaviour is detected, you’ll be able to act on it. Plus, CCTV means you can provide tangible evidence to the police which is more likely to lead to a conviction if any offence takes place on your property.

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Can CCTV Be Used As Evidence In Court?

CCTV is a multifaceted tool in the fight against crime, as not only can remote CCTV stop a crime while it’s taking place but the footage the cameras capture can also be used at a later date. Most notably, this includes court cases, as CCTV is designed to capture the who, what, how, and when related to all things crime.

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A Guide To Retail Security

Figures released by the British Retail Consortium found that crime costs the retail industry £2.2 billion per year. Some of the crimes most commonly reported in the study included theft, stock damage, physical abuse and fraud. 

Whether your business is a multinational company or a small independent trader on the high street, any loss to your business through crime can prove extremely costly. It can also have a negative impact on the customer experience, whether customers witness crime or worse still is a victim of a crime while in your store. 

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5 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Security Systems

The purpose of security systems such as CCTV, burglar alarms, secure fencing, motion sensor technology, smart locks etc is to protect your property from criminal activity.

The presence of any security system is sometimes enough of a deterrent, though each type of system is designed to either scare off the criminal or prevent them from being able to carry out their intended action.

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What is Off Site Monitoring & How Does it work?

Security is such a big part of everyone’s lives now but it’s still a very overlooked aspect of everything that we do. From checking your privacy and cookie settings when browsing the web to installing CCTV around your property and investing in off-site monitoring. These things are all must-know information to stay protected.

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A Guide To Starting Your Home Security From Scratch

If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to experience theft in your home, then you will sadly know the mental implications far outweigh the cost of replacing what has been stolen. The reality is that while we may view our home as a place of sanctuary, intruders simply see your possessions as pound signs.

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Where Physical Security And Cyber Security Meet And Work Together

The classic view of a security threat is a burglar cloaked in black clothing, tiptoeing at your door in the middle of the night trying to get in. However, the reality is that security threats come in many different forms especially now we are in the digital age.

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