The Biggest Threats To Home Security

Now that a new year is upon us, it’s time to turn your attention to your home security, especially if you’ve never conducted a security review of your property before, or have sadly been a victim of crime and want to reduce the chances of it happening again.

The best place to start is to look at the biggest threats to your home security since without acknowledging the vulnerabilities, it’s impossible to strengthen your game. So here are some of the top aspects to consider to guide you. 

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5 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Security Systems

The purpose of security systems such as CCTV, burglar alarms, secure fencing, motion sensor technology, smart locks etc is to protect your property from criminal activity.

The presence of any security system is sometimes enough of a deterrent, though each type of system is designed to either scare off the criminal or prevent them from being able to carry out their intended action.

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A Guide To Starting Your Home Security From Scratch

If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to experience theft in your home, then you will sadly know the mental implications far outweigh the cost of replacing what has been stolen. The reality is that while we may view our home as a place of sanctuary, intruders simply see your possessions as pound signs.

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Home security mistakes to avoid

Home is where the heart is, but it’s also where a lot of your valuable possessions are too. In recent months, we’ve all been spending far more time at home than usual. This makes now a great time to review your home security to make sure your property isn’t vulnerable to criminals. After all, being the victim of crime in your own home goes far beyond the financial implications, as it can be emotionally distressing too.

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How Remote CCTV Monitoring Can Help The Elderly

While our elderly citizens may have wisdom and experience, sadly their advancing age often makes them a prime target for criminals. From distraction burglaries to criminal damage and even assault, seniors and their property are at risk. Furthermore, an investigation by The Express found that crime against the over 65s has risen by 258% in 10 years, with 26,474 crimes reported in just one year. Continue reading How Remote CCTV Monitoring Can Help The Elderly

Home Protection Tips

Did you know there are over 422,000 burglaries in England and Wales every year? Having your home ransacked by thieves is a very distressing experience. As well as the shock of having your items stolen and the damage caused to your house, the incident can have a lasting effect. Some homeowners never feel safe in their property again. Unfortunately, criminals will look for any opportunity to steal and our homes that contain all our worldly possessions. Continue reading Home Protection Tips

Security Tips For Working From Home

Due to recent circumstances, you’ve likely found yourself working from home for the first time. While your attention might be on Zoom meetings and trying to homeschool the kids (if applicable), you’re probably not spending a lot of time thinking about your security. After all, when you are working from home you are guarding your property, right?

While this is true to some extent, there are ways in which criminals will still be looking to target you. So, here are our top tips to outsmart them so you can protect your home and possessions.

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Where To Position Your CCTV Cameras At Home

Installing CCTV is one of the best ways to protect your home against unwanted intruders. That being said, the positioning of your cameras can have a huge impact on their effectiveness. After all, there’s little point having cameras if they aren’t positioned correctly to capture what’s going on. The last thing you’d want is to need your CCTV for vital evidence, only to find it didn’t capture what you needed.

Considering the location of your CCTV is therefore of huge importance. Here are our top recommendations on where to place yours to help you get the most out of your system.

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Staying Secure Over Christmas

For most of us, Christmas is a time for spending time with our loved ones, making memories and counting down to the new year. For opportunist thieves however, it’s a time to raid your home or business when you least expect it.

According to UK Crime Stats, there were 316,110 reported burglaries between January and October 2019, an average of around 30,000 per month. When a burglary happens, it’s devastating both financially as well as emotionally.

Here at Re:Sure, we want all of our customers to have a safe and happy Christmas, so here’s our top tips to staying secure over the festive season.

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