5 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Security Systems

The purpose of security systems such as CCTV, burglar alarms, secure fencing, motion sensor technology, smart locks etc is to protect your property from criminal activity.

The presence of any security system is sometimes enough of a deterrent, though each type of system is designed to either scare off the criminal or prevent them from being able to carry out their intended action.

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How To Back Up And Protect My Commercial CCTV Footage

As any CCTV owner will know, the footage isn’t just valuable at the time at which it’s been captured. You may need to review the footage later down the line for a variety of reasons. However, unless the footage has been backed up and protected this won’t be possible.

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Security Tips For Working From Home

Due to recent circumstances, you’ve likely found yourself working from home for the first time. While your attention might be on Zoom meetings and trying to homeschool the kids (if applicable), you’re probably not spending a lot of time thinking about your security. After all, when you are working from home you are guarding your property, right?

While this is true to some extent, there are ways in which criminals will still be looking to target you. So, here are our top tips to outsmart them so you can protect your home and possessions.

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Smart Homes And Security

Technology is a huge part of our everyday lives. So, when it comes to our home security, it makes sense to integrate technology here too. Fusing smart technology with security is an excellent way to ensure you are using all tools available to protect your home or business.

One of the main advantages of having a smart technology home is that you can physically see what is happening. Compared to coming home to a break-in with no idea about the perpetrator or when they struck, smart technology is giving property owners back control as well as peace of mind.

After all, the beauty of smart technology is that, for the most part, it acts as a deterrent rather than sitting back and waiting for theft or damage to take place. The technology we use is getting ever smarter, meaning owners are alerted immediately rather than getting a nasty surprise once criminals are long gone.
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How to get the most out of CCTV systems

When installing CCTV, your prime reason is to encourage the safety and security of your home, business premises or the surrounding area.

While it absolutely is the right step towards achieving just that, it’s equally important you take action to ensure your CCTV systems are running at their maximum potential. After all, CCTV not only deters potential intruders, it can also provide vital evidence to the police in case of a crime having been committed. Imagine how frustrated you would feel if you’d gone to the effort of installing CCTV cameras, only to discover they weren’t working correctly, so the evidence was lost or unusable? Continue reading How to get the most out of CCTV systems

Why Non-Monitored CCTV is a Waste of Time

Many businesses, local authorities and homeowners across the country have traditional non-monitored CCTV cameras installed as a matter of principle. In fact, the UK alone has 4-5.9 million cameras which is one of the highest totals in the world.

But are they effective?

Whilst some footage may stand up in court and help to prosecute criminals, non-monitored CCTV cameras don’t actually prevent crime from happening in the first place.

Here’s our round-up of reasons why non-monitored CCTV is a waste of time.

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Why Keypads are Fatally Flawed for Security

Keypads are popular security systems for residential and commercial buildings alike. The seemingly secure system, where users tap in a pre-set code, is often viewed as safer and more convenient than the traditional lock and key.

Homeowners and businesses have increasingly opted for this form of security system for a number of reasons. Firstly, keys can be easily lost, stolen or replicated, leaving property owners vulnerable to a break in.

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Home Surveillance Systems and Cameras

Home surveillance systems have been around for a while now. Given that fact, it should be a pretty simple concept to understand, right?

Well, many people are surprised to learn that there are actually three very different types of surveillance systems that you can install in your home. Yes, at their heart they all use cameras as a deterrent to crime. Some, though not all – which again is surprising – of the systems also record and store footage to be used as evidence if required.

But that is really where the similarities end. We’re going to take a look at the three types of home surveillance system’s available and their pros and cons to help you to decide which one is right for you. Continue reading Home Surveillance Systems and Cameras

How Does Remote CCTV Monitoring Work?

Are you planning to install CCTV cameras at your home or business premises? At RE:SURE, we offer remote CCTV monitoring that will help you prevent potential break-ins, ensuring you’re worry-free at all times.

If you’re already planning to install these cameras at your home or place of work, you’re probably wondering how they work. Below we explain in detail how the RE:SURE remote CCTV monitoring system can help you improve the safety of your home or office space.

Remote CCTV monitoring services


At RE:SURE, we offer three distinct services: RE:SURE Home CCTV monitoring, RE:SURE Business and RE:SURE Go, (a range of smartphone safety apps, a personal safety app, lone working apps, and a taxi driver app).

What makes us stand out in the overcrowded security market is the fact that our system is not there to record a crime taking place – it is there to prevent it.

Regular alarm systems may be loud, but they do nothing more than alert you or your neighbours that a break-in might be taking place. With so many false alarms going off every day, most people no longer mind them, and the chances of someone calling the police when an alarm is triggered are slim.

Even if the police do arrive – all they can do is investigate. Your valuables are already long gone.

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